Articles & News
Court voids heart of Texas Highway Beautification Act
Limits on outdoor advertising, the legacy of efforts by Lady Bird Johnson to reduce eyesores along the nation’s growing highway system, cannot be enforced because the law improperly regulates billboards and signs based on what they say, the Austin-based 3rd Court of Appeals ruled.
Houston Attorney Wins Ruling Striking Down Texas Ban on Political Advertising
The decision in Auspro Enterprises v. Texas Department of Transportation strikes down sections of Texas Highway Beautification Act.
Appeals Court: Planet K’s Ron Paul Sign Trumps Highway Beautification Act
In a state appeals court ruling, the Houston attorney secured validation for Austin area business owner Michael Kleinman to exercise his First Amendment rights while also challenging the constitutionality of the Texas Highway Beautification Act.
Appellate Lawyer of the Week: Attorney Uses the Fifth Circuit to Get U.S. Documents for Mexican Lawsuit
After chasing an evasive litigation investment company all over the United States with a federal subpoena, Meredith Parenti’s corporate defendant client has so far been unsuccessful in compelling documents that may be crucial to a lawsuit it faces in Mexico
Parenti Law Secures Decisive Appellate Victory for Grupo Mexico in International Discovery Case
Parenti Law won a significant appellate victory for Grupo Mexico S.A.B.de C.V.in the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuitin a suit involvingGrupo Mexico’s request under 28 U.S.C. §1782 for the production of documents by a Cayman Islands company foruse in a Mexican lawsuit. The Fifth Circuit affirmed the district court’s order compelling SAS Asset Recovery Ltd. to produce the requested documents.
Houston Lawyer Advocates for Austin Business’s First Amendment Rights
More than a decade ago as an assistant solicitor general, Meredith Parenti defended the constitutionality of statewide sign regulations that were part of the national Highway Beautification Act.
Voting Rights Lawsuit Filed Against State of Texas: State Senate Districts Unconstitutional
Today, the Project on Fair Representation (POFR) announces the filing of a federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Texas’ state senate districts.
The new suit over the Texas senate map: An explainer
After chasing an evasive litigation investment company all over the United States with a federal subpoena, Meredith Parenti’s corporate defendant client has so far been unsuccessful in compelling documents that may be crucial to a lawsuit it faces in Mexico
Citigroup Appeals For Coverage In $55M Mexican Land Gaffe
A Citigroup Inc. unit told a Texas appeals court Thursday that Stewart Title Guaranty Co. should make good on insurance it issued that allegedly guaranteed title to land a luxury hotel developer bought for $55 million only to discover it belonged to the Mexican government.
Lehman Asks 2nd Circ. To Block Intervention In Dante Case
Lehman Brothers Special Financing Inc. on Tuesday asked the Second Circuit to reject continued efforts by liquidators of an Australian affiliate and certain noteholders to intervene in an adversary proceeding involving its controversial Dante program.
Lehman Takes Aim At BNY Mellon Over Derivatives Deal
Lehman Brothers Special Financing Inc. hit BNY Mellon Corporate Trustee Services Ltd. with an adversary suit Tuesday, claiming the failed bank was deprived of property interest as a result of allegedly illegal provisions in a derivatives transaction agreement.
Mich. Agency Loses Bid For Review Of Lehman Row
A Michigan housing authority on Wednesday lost its bid for New York federal court review of a bankruptcy judge’s interpretation of how swap contracts should be handled in a suit targeting Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. over derivatives transactions.
Lehman, BNY Mellon Unit Settlement Ends UK Case
A settlement between Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. and a British affiliate of Bank of New York Mellon Corp. that divides $70 million in contested collateral between Lehman and a noteholder received a judge’s blessing Wednesday, ending an adversary proceeding that stretched all the way to the U.K. Supreme Court.
Ipso Facto Clauses And The Anti-Deprivation Rule
On Jan. 25, 2010, the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York entered an order granting summary judgment in favor of Lehman Brothers in a dispute involving so-called “flip clauses” contained in collateralized debt obligation (CDO) transactions.
Lehman, Aflac End Spat Over $166M In CDS
A bankruptcy judge has signed off on a deal ending Lehman Brothers Special Financing Inc.’s adversary action against American Family Life Assurance Co., which accused the insurer of illegally seeking to deprive LBSF of priority status under credit default swap agreements worth $165.7 million.
Lehman’s $70M Collateral Suit Against BoNY Survives
A bankruptcy judge on Tuesday declined to dismiss Lehman Brothers Special Financing Inc’s. adversary lawsuit against an English affiliate of Bank of New York Mellon in which the fallen financial giant claims it should get a priority claim to $70 million in collateral securing a swap deal despite its bankruptcy.

Meredith Parenti

Mark Parenti
Contact Parenti Law PLLC
(281) 224-5848
(281) 605-5677
800 Town & Country Blvd, Suite 500
Houston, Texas 77024